
I love this group. They're a Swedish jazz duo who make some of the most amazing music. Summer Sun is a great song. Sung by this beautiful singer, Yukimi Nagano. Also, Baby come to me, which is also sung by Yukimi Nagano. Seriously, a great group and great songs. I found out about them purely by accident, go figure. lol. I was on where else, Youtube. I clicked on some random video of this woman walking around the mall somewhere and in the background she had this song that was just so catchy. Found out it was a group named Koop. I searched for them on Youtube and found Summer Sun. I fell instantly and of course, went to itunes and bought the song. I played the hell out of it. Then I found Baby come to me. The video was reminiscent of the 40's. So retro.

I was on Youtube again this morning and somehow stumbled on a Koop video and I was compelled to write about them. I was even checking out concert dates and of course the last concert they did was in 2008 and they were all in Europe. I need to go to Europe. More on my desire for Europe and the desire to live there later. Koop babies, check them out. You'll love them.


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