This song is my latest find. Well, it's actually a movie but the song really gets to me. I love how the song and these parts of the movie fit. I was introduced to Indian movies by my uncle, who I lived w/ in Lagos. I've tried every way possible to find this particular track, but no luck. Found it purely by accident and so glad i did. Hope YOU like it.


Unknown said…
It's cool. I like indian movies though I haven't watched one in a while. Love the track too.
inStilettos said…
haven't watched an indian movie in like forever... song made me smile!
YankeeNaija said…
glad you guys like the song. still on a mission to be able to download it.
Young Grumbler said…
Used to love Indian films like crazy, but gosh are they long! can use this site to convert Youtube videos to mp3s
ZeL said…
The song is nice...still cant get to watching an entire indian movie though
YankeeNaija said…
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YankeeNaija said…
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YankeeNaija said…
@ YG: you rock! thanks for that.

@ Zel: Neither can I. it would have to take an act from God to get me to sit and watch another Indian movie all the way thru.

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